
Vanessa mendonça

It is a satisfaction for the Secretariat of Tourism to act in partnership with Codeplan in the planning and strengthening of our federal capital. It is fundamental to continue with the Federal District Atlas and think about the future, aiming to transform the material into an interactive, educative and easily accessible tool to the citizen.

It is through atlas that we can distinguish Federal District recognition, challenging the population to appropriate the knowledge about the reality experienced.

The Federal District has life, soul of its own, nature, parks, monuments and a wonderful Lake. We have the Cerrado, that with its rich fauna and flora is the second largest biome in South America and has one of the world’s largest biodiversity. In addition to the environmental aspects, it also has great social importance, as many populations survive from its natural resources. And an atlas is much more than a set of maps, it’s a powerful source of information. It is through atlas that we can distinguish Federal District recognition, challenging the population to appropriate the knowledge about the reality experienced. The atlas is an instrument in which we can analyse reality various aspects, whether at local, regional, national or global level.

It is essential to provide territorial knowledge dissemination, improve data and information propagation and reveal the Federal District to the national and international scenario. We are working to make Brasília captivating to more and more tourists, which will attract more resources, jobs and development.

The results we have are the reflection of Brasilia new approach on tourism by the Federal District Government. This division generates one in every five jobs in the world. Governor Ibaneis Rocha has chosen Tourism as one of the economic development agenda priorities. The Secretariat of Tourism has acted to disseminate our capital potential inside and outside the country, improving infrastructure and promoting actions that occupy our spaces and delight our population and our tourists.

We are going to transform the capital of Brazil into one of the most desired destinations in the country and in the world. A new story begins in the capital of all Brazilians. The city is rediscovering itself as a touristic power and inviting everyone to know this new Brasília, which in 2020 completed 60 years of existence, with much willingness, union, action and commitment to our entire population.

Vanessa Mendonça

Federal District Tourism Secretary