6 - Infrastructure

6.4 – Solid waste

The cleaning and management of solid waste in the Federal District urban area is performed by the Urban Cleaning Service – SLU. In 2017 and 2018, the processes of management and final destination of solid urban waste went through a complete transformation with the inauguration of the 1st Brasilia Sanitary Landfill in Samambaia and the closing of the old Estrutural Dump. With the action, the Federal District took a giant step forward in the final destination of solid waste. Besides this, the transition considered the recyclable materials scavengers who before worked in the Estrutural Dump, in unsanitary conditions, but who now work in refuse recovery installations which provide a dignified and secure location to perform the work of collecting recyclable materials.

In reference to urban cleaning, the SLU has gone forward in the generalization of garbage collection with the implantation of the “papa-lixos” (garbage collectors), which are partially buried containers destined for garbage collection in difficult to access areas, where garbage trucks are unable to enter. Today there are 98 “papa-lixos” available in illegal settlements, such as Santa Luzia, Pôr do Sol and Sol Nascente.

Regarding the final disposal of rubble, tree trimmings and voluminous items, which are things that cannot be taken to a sanitary landfill, the SLU depends on the construction debris collection unitsURE, located where the Estrutural Dump was located. Besides the URE, the SLU has implanted 10 “papa-entulhos” (construction sites waste collectors), which are voluntary delivery points where Federal District residents can dump up to 1m³ of these materials per day. The “papa-entulhos” are located in different Administrative Regions, such as Taguatinga, Ceilândia, Gama, Guará, Brazlândia and Asa Sul.

Figure 63 – Federal District solid waste collection infrastructure

Figure 64 – Waste collected per inhabitant according to the Administrative Region in 2018