6 - Infrastructure

6.3 – Power grid

The supply of electric energy in the Federal District is the responsibility of the Brasilia Energy Company – CEB. The power transmission system is connected to the Sistema Interligado Nacional (National Interconnected System) – SIN by means of three substations, Brasilia South, Brasilia General and Samambaia, which are the main CEB system power supply sources. Besides these, there are 41 substations and a total of 1,078 km of transmission lines.

It is estimated that 99.04% of the residences in the Federal District are connected to the CEB power grid. In 2018, 5,583.716 GWh was supplied to the Federal District residents, with total consumption 2.08% less than in 2017. CEB has been working to reduce electric consumption. Between 2010 and 2014, the Energy Efficiency Program exchanged 29 thousand refrigerators and 520 thousand light bulbs for more efficient equipment in low income residences. Public lighting has also received investments for optimization. Over 4,306 conventional streetlamps were substituted with LED lighting.

  Figure 61 - Source of electricity consumed in the Federal District (2017)
Figure 61 – Source of electricity consumed in the Federal District (2017)

The Brazilian electric energy production and transmission system is a large hydro-thermal-wind system, using mainly hydroelectric generators with multiple owners.

  Figure 62 - Electricity consumed in the Federal District by types of use (2017)
Figure 62 – Electricity consumed in the Federal District by types of use (2017)