2 - Environmental characteristics

2.11 – Protected areas

Despite its recognized importance, among all the world hotspots for biodiversity conservation, the Cerrado is that which has the lowest percentage of areas under complete protection. Only 8% of its territory is legally protected by conservation units.

Among the federal units, the Federal District has the greatest percentage of protected land. Over 90% of its area is under regulation by some conservation unit. There are 36 conservation units, with 12 under complete protection and 24 under sustainable use. There are also 72 parks destined for leisure and ecological observation and three areas under special protection, among which are the Zoological Garden, the Botanical Garden and the Embrapa Cerrados Reserve. Besides the conservation units, there are other protected areas, such as areas under permanent conservation – APP, around flowing and bodies of water, hilltops and sides, and legal reserve areas on private property.

The Federal District is a member of the Brazilian Network and World Network of Biosphere Reserves, through the Cerrado Biosphere Reserve – RBC-Federal District. The RBC – Federal District is composed of five conservation units: the Águas Emendadas Ecological Station, the Jardim Botânico Ecological Station, the Brasilia National Park, the IBGE Ecological Station and the Água Limpa Farm.

Even though the Federal District possesses a large protected area, there are many challenges to preserve the Cerrado. Besides the administration and use of the protected areas, special care is necessary for its protection since these areas are pressured by invasions and irregular occupation, illegal clearing, dumping of trash and rubble, forest fires and more.

Figure 18 – Federal District conservation units and other protected areas