2 - Environmental characteristics

2.4 – Pedology

The soils in the Federal District are relatively plan, have different deepness, textures, porosities and different levels of fertility. They present different colors, which go from red hues to gray and black. From the agricultural point of view, the soils in the Federal District are not fertile, being necessary to correct the soil for cultivation. Ferralsols and cambisols predominate.

Ferralsols compose about 60% of the territory, and are red ferralsols (44%) and red-yellow ferralsols (16%). These soils are red in color, highly weathered, very deep, well drained, distrophic, acidic and have a clay content varying between 15 and 80%. They occur in areas with a plan topography and soft undulation.

Cambisols compose 31% of the area of the Federal District. They are little developed, with easily weathered minerals. They are associated with the more active relief (undulated and heavily undulated). Generally, they are shallow, dystrophic soils with a texture ranging between clay and simple sand, able to present concrete-like and gravel material. Its preservation is recommended due to its position in active relief and its physical characteristics subject to erosion.

Other soils are found in a smaller proportion. The hydromorphic soils (Gleysol and Podzol) occupy about 3% of the Federal District and are located in depressions subject to flooding. The Nitisols correspond to 4% of the territory, occupying a smaller portion of the concave hillsides, where, generally, the relief is undulated. The Acrisols, Arenosols, Fluvisols and Plinthosols occur in even lesser proportion, occupying about 2% of the landscape.

Figure 7 – Federal District Pedology